
Walls and Girl Scout Cookies

Off the wall.

Take the messages where you find them.

Girl Scout Cookies

The next time sweet faced little girls come up the walk, dressed in their Brownie Scout uniforms and carrying a clip board I am not going to open the door for them. I am going to hide. I know they will be selling Girl Scout cookies.

 I order the cookies, mostly chocolate mint, maybe some Trefoils for old times sake and later will eat them all. Like today. The empty boxes are found on the kitchen table. Jim looks at me - - his face showing how he resents my beating him to them. "You mean they are all gone?"

It is a long standing pre-Spring ritual in our house.

Just asking - is there anything better tasting than Girl Scout chocolate mint cookies and cold milk?

In the day - of the dark ages - when I sold Girl Scout cookies - safely walking my neighborhood blocks - there was only one choice - the classic short bread Trefoils. Oh, yum!!! In those days we carried filled boxes of cookies with us.  I sold box after box - being careful to hold back several boxes which I would sell to my grandmother  - whose house was conveniently on my cookie route. Hers would be the last stop and we would share a snack - Trefoils and milk.

Those cookies are not safe - they are loaded with a powerful substance - - memories. Try and resist them.

1 comment:

Debbie Couture said...

So true Elloise. I remember selling them for $.50 a box and now they are $4.00 a box. I am a brownie leader for my granddaughter and find myself with cookies in my living room again. I need to get them to people before I eat them. My grandaughter just tried trefoils and now ranks them right up with dosidos as her favorite. Wish you lived closer she could help repleinish your supply and make Jim happy. We have booth sales at the hardware store and it's hard from those men to walk by and not buy some. If you go out this week-end you will probably run into a booth sale.