

I remember when I made this collage -
a busy time
so I titled the piece - Balancing.

It still fits me perfectly.
Always juggling
too many things at one time.

Just saying
that seems to be how I manage.

Catching up on paper work today. There are always letters to write to close the loop when you make a trip. And, there is also the stuff that was still to be done when you left home - not to mention the stuff that came in while you were gone. I do take time to wonder - is all of it important - really? Can I make better choices?

One good choice today was a long telephone call with my sister. Now those are always good.
And, thank you notes matter - especially when folks have been as thoughtful and warm as some on my list have been - for instance - one of my classmates attended the program Wednesday night and then took the time to write about it for our class website.

A review of my program for the Olde Mecklenburg Genealogical Society posted to the CHS54 Blog.
Obie Oakley who posted is a published author of history and memoir.

The trip to Charlotte not only launched my diamond jubilee year - it also opened the flood gates for memories of my growing up years in Charlotte. I will be working on stories -

and--- it also brought the realization that, as important as those years are to me - they accouint for less than a quarter of my seventy-five years. I left home when I was 18 to go to school in Baltimore, Maryland. It's my connection to my parents that kept my focus on Charlotte. That is something to mull over. To sift. To savor.

Actually, although I don't call Chevy Chase, Maryland my home town - I have lived here, in my present house,  more than half my life. Jim and I bought this house in 1970. 1970. Forty-one years ago. That's worth at least a chapter, don't you think?

A pressing question for me --- what's the vantage point for my diamond jubilee story -  

What if the story starts right here in this house??????

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