
Winding Up July 2016...

Let's talk!

July 31, 2016

Hard to believe its the end of July already. The days have whizzed by because my lists have been long and the calendar filled with significant days and memorable events.

Capital Fringe: 
Ready to Serve 5 performances
I knew that the Capital Fringe was going to be a headliner for me all month.  This was my seventh consecutive Fringe - and with a new one-woman show - Ready to Serve. So I knew what to expect so far as the work load and the stress - but there is also the sheer joy and satisfaction of performing and launching a new story.
Ready to Serve is the story of the nurses who served in France with Hopkins Base Hospital 18.
After working on the research, writing and previews for two years the the story and I were ready.
I wrote this blog post to report on the show and to gather the reviews which made me very happy!

The audiences were warm and supportive of the story. I was very touched by those who told me they came last year and would not have missed another one of my stories. Lordy, Lordy - that' a storytellers wish and dream. And, one night someone from the audience wrote to tell me that - inspired by Ready to Serve - she had found the grave of her WWI nurse relative and would be look for more of her story.  What a gift all around.

My Birthday - July 14, 2016
This was my first, maybe will be my only, two cake birthday.  When son Jimmy, daughter Robin and I went to the Schoettler Family Reunion in late June Robin arranged for a BIG birthday cake
 to kick off the celebration of my 80th birthday. Very happy to have this lovely group since the first edition ofHappy Birthday - for themselves and for their connection to Jim, tying him to the event which was held, as usual, on the generous patio at Tom and Ila Schoettler's where Jim and I had been together so many times.

My first Fringe show was July 9. A big surprise - Robin flew in from San Francisco that evening to be here for several of the performances and to have a small family birthday gathering here. A delicious dinner with a dramatic dessert -- another birthday cake made by cousin Tina Barber.
 not only an original creation ---also delicious.
And in between after performances there were several lunches with family - from the Sheas, the Barbers and storyteller friends. There were many others who were these "in spirit" and believe me I am grateful for your being part of my life.

Robin stayed for a week - which gave the five of us to visit - both at home and at Arlington - all the things you want to do when family gathers. And the day she was catching her plane -we took a picture - one that is precious to me - a great birthday gift.

For the last show - my dear friend from Junior Girl Scouts to now came from PA with her husband. She has seen all of my Fringe Shows - and despite the relentless heat they came. " I was not going to miss it." she said. And later - said. "its your best ever." On a personal note: That "Betsy Star" is a real SOMETHING for me!!!

 A New Family Photo
Over the years we have taken many family photos on this deck and under this same tree. Anyone who knows me knows how much I value connections. And if you think Jim is not there - wrong. Jimmy is wearing one of his polo shirts and that gardenia was sent to me four years ago when Jim died - and usually a stingy bloomer, only one or two blooms at most - that wondrous flourishing bush bloomed for three four or five at a time - continuosly from the day before the Fringe opened until a week after my show closed. It was a blessing.

And I should tell you we took the photo using my 5S Apple iPhone on a trip-pod - -and we changed clothes and position just like in a studio until we had the image we all agreed on. With lots of laughing in between.

The Excitement of Watching History Being Made
I watched breathlessly July  28 when Hillary Clinton was officially nominated as the Nominee for President of the United States by the Democratic Party. The FIRST WOMAN ever to be so nominated. Yes, I was crying. The ceiling has shattered. Another barrier falls. Now on to November and sending the First Woman to the White House.

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