

I was stopped at a red light this morning when I noticed a Pepperidge Farm delivery truck parked across the street. I did not have time to dig out my camera so I just made a note in my journal of the large slogan lettered on the side of the truck:


I call that a message! Don't you?

Snippets of the day.

I heard a woman say," I did not really know I was wrong so much." I have to think about that.

A woman wearing a smart red jersey sun-dress with no pockets had her white ear buds in her ears with the white wires hanging down to her iPod which she carried in a little plastic bag swinging at her side. Clever and great image.

After Mass Jim and I stopped for coffee at Einsteins and sitting outside we read the Washington Post. Jim was reading about serious matters like the Health Care Debate and I was laughing over a Style Section article about an in-town shopping center - bringing surbuban fixtures like Bed Bath and Beyond to this changing inner city neighborhood. The clever writer makes the point with comparisons like the image of young hippie-ily dressed shoppers emerging with their matched towel sets while a pedestrian is mugged several blocks away at the subway exit. I know the area and it all fits.

The article was dotted with examples of the new language - adultification and gentrification.

One of those words I like - staycation. get it?
Sitting next to a courageous friend who has just received some grave heatlh information and knowing there is nothing ordinary about her as she told me, "I have decided to be well." Yes!

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