
Train Whistle Moaning is Music.

Probably 20+ years ago Jim and I were in Charlotte visiting some family and checking on places where I had lived and remembered. We were also having a
Mass for our 40th Wedding Anniversary. It was sweet.

We were staying in an old two-story house on Pecan Avenue located only four blocks from a much smaller house were my family lived in 1941. Being in this neighborhood was like being wrapped in a warm quilt. It brought back my memories as a five year old child. I know it is unlikely I will ever re-visit that neighborhood so I am happy to have a stack of vivid images of the house and 9th Street where I learned to ride my bicycle.

There was a tall water tower across from the house on Pecan Avenue
where we were staying. It was an important image - but what I remembered most was a train
crossing five or six blocks away. The trains passed along during day and night. The whistle woke me one night after midnight. It reminded me that the whistle moaning was the music for the Elizabeth Section. I loved it.

Today I will stop anywhere to see a train pass and hear the whistle. Powerful memories.

Yeah, I am back to collecting memories and writing essays that might fit my attempt at a

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