
Storytellers and a Hero

Storyteller Bernadette Nason has been our guest while she visited Washington and its been great fun! When the Super Shuttle collected her this morning I was very sorry to wave good-bye and look forward to hugging hello soon.

The time we spent together around the edges of her tourist-ing has been filled with laughter and good conversations - often with other storytellers on scene as well.

For instance - Saturday Slash Coleman, Geraldine Buckley, and Becca Bernard joined us for lunch. A fine reunion!

I must show you the aspic I made for lunch. I am proud - it set well - and I un-molded it perfectly!
That's always my fear - that there will be a perfect mess of splatted aspic sliding across the plate.

My Aunt Katherine's recipe is the charm. And, it is simplicity itself as well as delicious.

Koki's Tomato Aspic
2 cans petite cut tomatoes - spiced is best
2 small packages lemon jello
a dash of apple cider vinegar

Heat the tomatoes in a saucepan. Use a fork or a knife and cut the larger pieces of tomato.
When it is well-warmed pour in the jello - directly from the box.
Stir til the jello is dissolved well.
Pour in a Splash of vinegar - this is for the sweet and sour taste.
Add almost a cup of water. Mix in well.

Pour into a mold. Cover and put in the refrigerator.
It takes over night to set well.


I serve with a small bowl of Duke's mayonnaise on the side. It goes especially well with baked ham but is good with most everything.

Jim Schoettler
"My hero!"

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