Five, collage, e. schoettler, 2009 Series
1. Day 5 - Today house cleaning is the top of my list so I will have more than enough exercise. Up and down the steps, lifting stuff off the floor, lifting to put stuff back where it belongs. You see what I mean.
For example, I walked into the kitchen this morning with my stomach sucked in, head up and shoulders back. I could feel the muscle pulls all the way to my feet. Another insight - its about thinking of HOW we are doing something.
When I tried to tell my daughter about my new approach to exercise and that I thought it was going to work for me. She countered with, "you could walk the dog." She is right, I could - even though I never do. Isn't this about observing yourself and turning your usual activities toward you goal?
I am also buying a timer this morning - Like Cynthia I will park at the back of the lot at Hardware City and when I come home I will put it on the book shelf across the room so that I have to get up to stop the noise and re-set it.
you know, all these little things add up to making a big difference.
We cannot allow ourselves to believe that one small thing doesn't matter.
That's the problem with a lot of issues right now ... we think that our one little self won't make a difference but a lot of little selves added together will.
So, if I believe that about, say, recycling, switching to canvas bags for groceries, etc., I will have to believe that about myself as well.
I agree with Cynthia. Whatever way you exercise makes you comfortable and helps you meet your goal, is the way you should do it. I'm rooting for you.
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