Red Daisy, e. schoettler, altered digital photograph
Its going to be one of those days. Juggling - juggling - juggling. In case I have a computer shut-down I am marking the date with this picture,
Counting down on the 37 Days challenge - this is DAY 9. Patti has a good essay on pattern on 37 DAYS. I really enjoyed it and it tweaked me in a number of places. I can see my pattern. Start off strong, slip and then start again - over and over and over again.

KOKI - marking her birthday.
Catherine Diggle Brown
April 24, yesterday, was Koki's birthday. Happy Birthday, darlin'
If you have or had a favorite aunt in your life then you get it.
lovely pic, Ellouise. Thanks!
I LOVE this photograph. You do such creative things.
Glad you enjoy the picture. I love altering photos - its about all the art work I have time for these days.
The daisy is a memory - a table decoration - of Jim's 50th reunion at Hopkins Med School two years ago. I loved the look of the pots with Gerber daisies - unfortunately the picture did not work - until I played with it. My photo files are glutted with duds - you just never know.
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