Day 7
Mother Nature steps in to help me out. It is raining and it is dark and thundering outside. That takes the pressure off so far as my even considering a walk outside as part of my challenge today.
Now I did not say I won't exercise as I have promised myself - its that I will continue to figure it out as part of my normal activities.
Today I am reminding myself not to sit over-long at the computer.
I did buy the timer. The cheaper one made in China. Big mistake. Once I wrestled it out of all the plastic packaging - it doesn't work. So I have a chance to walk across Hardwarre City's parking lot again.
At the Tejas Festival the "powder room" was up a long flight of stairs. I decided it was the perfect antidote to long spells of sitting and listening. Yoga stretches in the restroom line helped, too, and a few other ladies joined in.
Stretching at rest stops helped, too, and now that I'm home and back to aqua-aerobics and yoga classes, my body has a chance to fight the encroaching stiffness. (and now I just flashed on Roberta Simpson's story about campers turning into trees -- maybe that's the battle we're in right now).
Love those images. First thing you know we will have thighs of steel at not extra cost.
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