
Jim's Update, Day 9, Storytelling,

1. JIM UPDATE - Jim is still in George Washington University Hospital. Fever is down. Getting better. Progress.

Yesterday we moved to a private room that has windows so this morning healing sunshine is picking up our spirits. There is a chance we could go home tomorrow. I am crossing my fingers.

TIP - When a private room became available the charge nurse told us that in order to be moved to it we had to pay $55 a night extra. Weighing everything - quiet, a private bathroom in the room and sunshine - that seemed reasonable to us so I went to admissions to PAY. I had my check book out. The admissions officer said, "you we have a program available that could say you a bit of money - SENIOR ADVANTAGE." She explained that for a one-time fee of $15 Jim and I would be given a private room (if Available) on any admission and other benefits such as 10% off in the shop and 20% off in the cafeteria. ANd some pharmacies cooperate for a discount on prescription drugs. I am sure other hospitals across the country have similar programs. Its worth checking this out.

2. DAY 9 - 37 Days Challenge - exercising along the corridors. Now that we have this room I no longer have a two block walk to the bathroom so I look for other routes to the elevator.


Jim's night nurse last night was a man from the Philippines. He came in on a conversation Jim and I were having about the "its good" story. And soon we were asking him about his experience with folktales when he was a youngster growing up in the Pbillipines. He told us that his grandmother told stories to the children every night after they said the family rosary. " How wonderful". Then he told us that the kids today are not interested in the old folk tales. "I try to tell the stories to my nieces and nephews and they are not interested." I was sad to hear that the younger generation in his family is losing that close touch with their traditions.

1 comment:

cynthia said...

I'm so proud that you are still finding ways to move even during this stressful time with your husband in the hospital.