Williamsburg Wreath
This is the last of the Williamsburg Wreaths for this year. I will be glad to see them again next year because they remind me of the year all our family spent Christmas week in Colonial Williamsburg for our 50th wedding anniversary. Bringing the wreaths out every year helps keep those memories fresh - just like decorating the Christmas Tree with old, familiar ornaments brings a flood of sweet memories.
Blog Year - I began this blog in 2005. This is my 1112th post - the 365th of this year. I had said I would post everyday and I have. Thanks for being here.
New Year's Eve is the day to reflect on the year that is leaving. Severval days ago I began to make lists, goals, plans for 2010 but today it the time to take stock - how did it go this year.
Jim's surgery in February was quite something - that came out OK although we had not been sure of that going into it. We were surprised and a bit shocked when his cancer returned in November but he is doing well with the Chemotherapy and his oncologist is encouraging about the results.
This year has taught us both that Cancer is a chronic disease and the important thing is learning how to LIVE with it. Our teachers are everywhere - other cancer patients - in the Chemo lab, in our families and in our friends. What a debt we all owe to Betty Ford who had the courage to speak publicly about her cancer in a time when that was a tabu subject. Before that I remember an older woman, a mothering figure to me, my neighbor in Chapel Hill, insisting that I feel the tumor in her breast, " so that you will recognize it if you ever have one."
We missed going to California for our planned all-family Holiday gathering, so we turned to Skype. We can see each other as we talk. Wow! Virtual family get-togethers. What's not to love?
On my storytelling front there have been some peak performing moments this year.
- Last February, just before Jim's surgery, I premiered Pushing Boundaries, my feminist journey told as a folk tale, complete with my Prince.
- In May, I told several Arabian Nights tales with the NIH Philharmonia for their all-Russian concert. It was a challenge and turned out really well. The music was terrific and a very full-house loved the stories.
- For Mother's Day I was part of a special troupe of 8 storytellers invited by Speakeasydc to present a special program, Mommie Dearest. I told "Mama's New Story" for the first time.
- And, then in October I was invited to tell on The Exchange Place Stage at the National Storytelling Festival, Jonesborough, TN. What a thrill to look out into that audience of smiling faces - all storylovers! I chose to tell " The Dalmation Dog" - a funny story of a serious fight between long-time marrieds. It was a "mountain-top" experience.
- Telling with Linda Fang and Noa Baum in a concert for the DC Area's new storytelling theater - Telling Moments Theater.
Business-wise a real highlight for me has been working with Robin - in her role as Consultant with her business - Client Centered Marketing - on my web-site marketing and use of Social Media. She's good at what she does and its great to know her in her professional identity.
As for me - over-all this year has been a challenge. Its a good thing women are born with a muti-tasking gene. Staying steady on the balancing beam is an important skill and I am glad my talents at this are in working order.
Yes, I have goals for next year along with some dreams. Scraps of paper litter the floor as I work out the plans. I do know for certain that I have to focus and work on priorities. It would be nice is if this is the year I learn how to do that.
In the meantime - Thank you for visiting the blog this year - for leaving comments to let me know you have been by. I deeply appreciate your friendship. You brightened many days these past months and Jim and I both thank you very much.
God Bless Us, Everyone. Happy New Year!