This guy comes calling to the bird feeder close to our deck. Its been so hot during July that we have not been able to sit outside to watch the birds flit in and out snapping up the seeds in the feeder - or watch them squabble over territory. " Its mine" and "me first" battles. You would think they would have learned there is enough - we always re-fill the feeder.
The folks are coming tomorrow to clean the carpets. Did you know these big strong guys don't lift anything. So Jim and I are moving everything - hefting big and small - out of the targeted rooms. Everytime we have the carpets cleaned I cuss and promise never to wear shoes in the house again. I should have thought of this moving and shoving before I chose sand colored carpet. Yes, it brightens the house - - at a price. Someday I will learn - "all things are connected."

For more than 9 years my friend Pat and I ate lunch - on Tuesday - at the Tea Room in Kensington, MD at least once a month, sometimes 2 or 3 times a month. We talkd of art and ideas, personal philosophies and just stuff.
We sat at this table and we always ordered the same thing - a BLT (bacon, lettuce tomato sandwich) Pat's on rye toast and mine on toasted white bread.
Pat died on July 24.
This week I asked Jim to go with me to the Tea Room - on Tuesday -
for a good-bye BLT for Pat. We sat at the usual table. We went about 2 PM so the Tea Room was empty and quiet. I could think - remember. Jim and I did not talk much. I cried a bit.
The sandwich tasted the same, good and crunchy with a thick layer of crisp bacon. I kept wishing Pat would walk in - but came to accept that she wouldn't.
I will miss her. But Tuesdays I can always find her here.
Private moments for good-byes are good!
Dear Ellouise,
Your story reminds me of "A Kingdomw was Lost for a Drop of Honey" -- maybe you can weave these two stories together...
So sad Ellouise but what good memories of eating lunch with Pat all those years. Very nice of Jim to go with you. I eat dinner with two friends once a month and we have for maybe three years now. It's nice to have that connection and be connected with their lives and what's going on. I would miss them. I am very sorry for your loss.
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