What's happened?.
I am not interested in what's going on in the big outside world.
After weeks of following the election
I want to turn CNN OFF and
Focus on home.
I want a psychic vacation.
Its been a difficult year.
Jim's brother died.
Mama died.
Jim's been nicked.
I spent a month on the couch this summer unable to walk because of my knee.
Not that there have not been many blessings and good times.
Our lives have been filled with stories, ours and those I am telling.
We have traveled to interestingn places and met wonderful new people
As well as seeing friends we know and miss.
But there comes a time when I just want to hunker down
To digest the stories I have been living
So there will be room for more. L
Like a bear, I want to crawl into a comfy log and sleep away the winter.
To wake up in the Spring, leaner and raring to go.
This mood could be dangerous.
It could lead to tossing things out rather than sifting and sorting.
To closing up my office, hanging a sign on the door
Back Later, Much Later.
Ever have one of those days?
But I cannot stop now.
Tomorrow I am co-leading a workshop at the National Museum of Women in the Arts
with my friend Josephine Withers.
Stories and art - a tempting combination.
And there are stories to tell next week and
other marks on my calendar to meet.
Its the calendar that keeps you at it, isn't it.

But watch out
Life Happens OFF the calendar.
Like the collage, and its title. I wonder what would happen if you switched this paradigm, literally on its different sides, axis. Wouldn't it change everything? I imagine "re-grouping" could quickly become "teetering" or "on edge."
Strange how things can quickly change depending on perspective.
-- R
Wow -- so much more. You've added the poetry since I last visited, giving the collage so much more context. Perhaps you'd already turned its on its end.
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