Life is a bit of a balancing act.
One false move
and everything will topple.
Three Beautiful Things
1. Happy Birthday, Robin. All of our children were born in different States. Robin was born in Texas. Jim was in the Air Force, part of the "doctor draft", and he was stationed at the School of AeroSpace Medicine at Randolph Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. So Robin first saw the light of day in the delivery room at Fort Sam Houston Army Hospital.
2. It's a good day today. Barack OBama is the President - elect. The campaign is over - change is ahead.
3. Listening to storytellers Tim Livengood and Cricket Parmelee tell stories at the Kensington Row Bookshop. Full house to listen to Tim's highly imaginative versions of Jack Tales and Cricket's folktales. I particularly enjoyed Cricket's telling of The Man Whose Mother was a Pirate. It's a charming story and she enhances it with her sure and whimsical delivery. She also surprised us with a sea chanty and had everyone singing along on the chorus. Fun.
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