Jim and I drove to the Barnes and Noble in Reston, VA to hear Patti Digh read from her new book, Life is a Verb.
It was great. Patti has an informal, easy, embracing style when she reads. It was fun to hear her move the words off the page. As she read selections from the essays she elaborated on back-stories of the how and why each came into being.
Jim, who has not read the book - yet - was very impressed and I noticed later he was quietly flipping pages and stopping to read.
Patti brought with her a small art work that is pictured in the book. Photographs cannot capture the full charm and delicacy of this beaded collage.
Patti talked about how when she wrote on her blog 37 Days that "if you wanted to you could send an art work for the book" art rained down on her. 135 artists sent works. She and her publishers were amazed at the beauty, diversity and quality of the art works - so they used them all. I am pleased to have two pieces as part of LIAV.

Patti talked about how when she wrote on her blog 37 Days that "if you wanted to you could send an art work for the book" art rained down on her. 135 artists sent works. She and her publishers were amazed at the beauty, diversity and quality of the art works - so they used them all. I am pleased to have two pieces as part of LIAV.
Good question.
I was intrigued by the challenge - and I wanted to be a part of it. Its as simple as that.
After following her blog, 37 Days for several years I was a fan. The essays are deep, thoughtful, and inspiring. She shared her thoughts, her ideas, her questions. They left me poised on a new train of thought. And, through her links, I followed her into wider worlds.
By sharing her quest and her intention, she enriched me and mine.
My participating is my thank you.
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