
The Group Shot and Stories

Sunday night, just before we broke up , Jimmy
herded everyone - including Princess Leia - together for this picture of our group.
Always before we have taken these group photos on the stairs, everyone seated, everyone in the frame. This year we could not fit all these folks in so we lined up. Next time Danny goes in back and Jim steps forward.
Yesterday Robin and her three boys flew back to California. Their Jet Blue flight landed safely just before midnight (our time).
In the afternoon Jim and Monica drove Alison back to The College of William and Mary for another year of smartening up.
We will reconvene our clan - years ago the kids named us the Jimowee Clan - in December at Avila Beach for Christmas.
Until then we collect stories to tell.

I have more stories to tell. We finished off the sightseeing with a surprise find that is quite moving. I will write about that later today. Robin is telling her stories of the trip on 93 Words.

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