
Nature's Gifts

The edges of the small pond near the deck in our side yard in PA. have been taken over by sweet-smelling honeysuckle vines. I know we probably should pull them out and neaten things up but I don't want to. We live in a world of neatly clipped and trimmed lawns and perfectly weeded surburban flower beds. I like this bit of free-wheeling wildness. Breathe in the perfume. Leave it alone

Did you know that a chemical in the watermelon can have a viagra-like effect? I heard it on public radio so surely its true. Just passing along the information.
Oh, yeah, the rest of it - one slice won't do it - you have to eat six or seven watermelons for it to take effect.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Watermelon is also a good source of iron (learned that at the Red Cross while giving blood).
I have an old phone like that one, though not as memorable. I may just put it back into service. It does seem indestructible.