1. Today was a warm sunny day and nine storytellers gathered for a week-end at storyteller Susan Gordon's lovely home which is set in rolling Maryland woods and fields for our annual storytelling workshop with storyteller Donald Davis. 
What a great way to begin the year.

What a great way to begin the year.
2. Watching birds snacking at Susan's bird feeders which hang temptingly in a tree in full view outside the glass sliding doors.

Many Chicadees were feasting but I wanted a picture of this guy. After some watchful waiting during the lunch break I finally captured him. Blue with a touch of gold. Can anyone identify him?
Yay! Ellouise, I just stumbled upon your blog through the miracle of Google. :) Thank you so much for your stories and for your insights! I feel like I've been filled to the brim with inspiration and now I need a place to pour it all out. If you don't mind, I'd like to keep tabs by reading your blog. It's great, what I've read so far! Thanks again and it was so rewarding to meet you this weekend!
Welcome Christina. Thanks for leaving a note and letting me know you stoped by. Wasn't the week-end grand? I loved your stories about your Dad and hope to hear them again and others.
It's a tufted titmouse, Ellouise--such a perky little bird!
I envy you the weekend with Donald. What a way to start the year. And the scarf! Lovely.
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