Elizabeth Ellis arrives from Texas this afternoon. Jim and I are looking forward to seeing her. I am hosting the workshop and Elzabeth will be our guest - one of our favorites to have sit-a-spell time with.
Elizabeth is going to be plenty busy once her plane sets down at BWI. She is here to conduct a two-day intensive storytelling workshop Saturday and Sunday.
Saturday night she will give a story concert. It features her funny and touching story, One Size Fits SOME.
This is the pre-view storytelling event for the new storytelling theater, Telling Moments, which is being organized in the Washington, DC area. Storyteller Linda Fang is spear-heading the effort. I am on the board along with storyteller Jon Spelman, Robert Kikuchi-Yngojo of Eth-no-Tec.
Linda and I have produced the Saturday night performance. We are really delighted - its with in a hand full of tickets of being sold-out.
You know I can't resist posting on my blog so you may hear something about the "doins" over the week-end. And then - you may not.
Til then, Hugs, everybody.
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