And it feels good.
I am not planning it as an "art piece". I don't want that kind of pressure. I want to play, to use my hands, to forget about everything else.
Maybe tomorrow I will make a couple of bobbins and try sewing a few squares together.
I am still hoping for snow.
Things are improving on the shingles front. I still have rash and surprising nerve twinges in my arm but daily its better.
We are living in a mess. We have had to empty all the closets and move furniture because workmen are installing carpet in the upstairs bedrooms on Monday.
I wanted this. Jim and I voluntarily walked into the store, selected it and made the appointment.
But I was not ready to face all the stuff that has accumulated in our closets.

This is purely Fibber McGee - anyone else remember how at least once once on that old radio program Fibber McGee and Molly someone would open the front hall closet and you'd hear the avalance as the stuff fell out.
It was ridiculous and everyone laughed. I am not laughing. To tell you the truth I did not realize our closets were big enough to hold all this stuff.
I have set aside small bags of discards but its not enough to make a difference.
Tomorrow I have to get REAL about this.
I'm sorry for your mess, but glad the shingles are better. It took my mom quit a while to get over hers.
Hi, Patty. Thanks. I too am glad this seems to be a light case of shingles.
I stopped by your Getteysburg blog this morning and really enjoyed joining you on your visit last October. I am going to write about it - I especially enjoyed your write up of the Orphanage. Ellouise
Oh dear, Ellouise. If it isn't one thing it's another, as my mom used to say.
I laughed when I read about Fibber and Molly. I have said that for years but never saw the TV show. Mom and Dad used to say that to us about our bedrooms and it's stuck. It's so funny to read your desscription because after all these years I finally understand a term I used all the time!
Hi, Granny Sue, Loved hearing that this explained that saying for you. I still enjoy listening to that old show, Fibber McKee and Molly, when they replay it on the NPR radio Big Broadcast - here its on Sunday evenings. I can remember sitting in the living room on the couch next to Granny istening to it - she loved that program. All the grown-ups I knew used Fibber's Closet as a discriptive term for a big mess - just like your Mom and Dad. And we'd laugh. But now that I am really dealing with it its not quite as funny. Goes to show - perspective is everything. Ellouise
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