Happy Birthday, Alison.
Since this picture of the young traveler on her first trip was taken, Alison has graduated from High School, entered college and just traveled to Central America on a college-sponored service trip. She arrived home last night in time to celebrate her 20th birthday with the family. We will hear the stories of her advenrures this afternoon.

In the meantime, sending hugs and wishing blessings on you.

What a handsome box!
Ta Da! This large intrusive cardboard box sitting in the middle of the dining room contains our new OVEN. Yes, we found one we hope will fit, with a few cabinet modifications. We ordered it without seeing it based on the specs - that was the crucial feature.
I love this box!
Its possible Daniele will arrive Monday morning to begin the installation - if he completes his other job today. Otherwise, our door bell will ring at 9:30 am on Wednesday and he will get started then.

New carpet - nice clean new carpet - means shoes begin to colect at the bottom of the stairs. I can deal with that.

The mess is retreating in the living room as we fill the closets again. And I am blocking out the fact that in March, as soon as I return from the Rogue Festival in Fresno, CA, I will be moving everything in my office and in this living room so that the carpet installers will return and we get rid of all the old brown carpet.
I really like the color of the carpet. It feels comfortable. Its a light taupe - sort of a mushroom color - fresh - and ofcourse clean. I mentioned to my daughter Karen that I really liked it - "Mom, you've had this color carpet before." No. Really? We argued a bit. She was definite.
I vaguely remember it. Well, OK, maybe. I called daughter Robin - she verified Karen. Hmmm? No wonder it looks familiar and I feel happy with it. Those were good years.
Now for the Real Life report:
Yesterday morning our bedroom felt like a freezer when Jim and I got up. Jim checked the thermostat. 53 degrees. The furnace was OUT! Did I hear a mutterings and "damns"? I could swear I heard Han Solo, "It's not fair."
Fortunately we have a service policy on the furnace. The repairman was out by 11 am. The blower had died during the night. Just a clunk and gone. We were asleep and never knew it. "It happens all the time." Within two hours the guy had installed a new blower. Warm air is good.
Karen called from the PA house. "Dad, the pipes are frozen." They were fine last night. She woke up and -solid as a rock. What a day. She spent the whole day nursing those pipes back to flowing.
Talking to my friend Lucy about all this and she explained what was happening. "Its January, Ellouise. Everything falls apart in January." OK. I get that! 14 more days.
Aren't red birds - cardinals - a symbol of good luck????
Stop hiding. Come out! Come out!
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