

E is for Epiphany  

Those folks who read my Facebook posts know that I am more than three weeks into a house re-viving me project of my whole house. It would have made more sense to eat this elephant one bite at a time - but that kind of reasonableness has never been my strong suit. 

This morning I posted this picture from yesterday's work in the house on Facebook with my explanation of the photo. 

Our house was built in the mid-1950s and the re-do is showing a bit of the history. This 1950s wall paper was hidden under the kitchen wall paper - fresh and colorful. Folks like us had just painted around it for 50 years. Looks happy doesn't it - and I can imagine the room with all those dancing flowers - but I don't mind that we did not live with it.

Consuelo opened my eyes to a new way of looking at the walls and at what's happening in the house. My house is is telling me its story - if I will listen. And it is reminding me of the days of our 44 year history in this house - our home.
  • Consuelo Samarripa Discovering talking wall, is part of the interesting fun.

  • Ellouise Schoettler Consuelo Samarripa exactly - love your words - "talking wall" - they do talk, don't they. That's how I felt when I saw this scrap of wall paper. The painter thought I was a little nuts - "Stop. Wait" and I ran to get my camera. I can think of a few other pictures I better take today.

    Eyes opened. I am watching and listening. Keep talking to me walls. Tell me back our story.

    Thanks to Texas storyteller Consuelo Samarripa for her wisdom.

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