1. Talking on the phone with my friend Betsy - sharing life and its twists and turns just like we have done often since Junior High School. Some days I call her from the car after I park in my driveway. I love my Toyota phone booth - its warm and quiet. The neighbors sometimes look at me a bit askance and several times when Jim's patients have passed by going in and nodded to me an hour later coming out - the puzzled looks on ther faces tell me they have noted that I am still on the phone.

2. My prince and I picnic before a good fire in the wood-stove in our rec room and hold hands while we watch a net flix movie. It's fine time.
3. My youngest sister heard from Mama in a dream -" she is happy, she is at peace".
Sweet gift.

Louise Diggle - Mama, fabric collage, e. schoettler
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