Sunday Trip and Tina brought these lovely Blue Iris to us. I photographed them -now they are a forever bouquet.
More color studies.

Three Beautiful Things:
1. The surprise of over-hearing a young man in Einstein's Bagels tell his friend about a ghost in his house - a soundless piano that sometimes plays show tunes during the night. They are scared - but they keep the piano.
2. Very early this morning Jim and I sit across the desk from a new doctor. Claudia urged Jim to see him for "remedies" to strengthen him for his surgery and for healing. We can see into the trees outside through an uncurtained large pane window behind him. When three or four vivid red cardinals flit from branch to branch I sense it as a good omen.
3. A new client found me on the Internet and called to hire me to tell a program of folk tales for an audience of adult professionals, doctors and scientists. A happy challenge for April.
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