I try to start off the week checking my calendar and making lists to take care of the things that are coming up in the days ahead. So that's what I am doing today. But, don't mis-understand me. I have lived long enough to know for sure to watch out life is what happens OFF this list. My hope is always that I can take care of the obvious and then the unexpected will not throw me such a curve ball. Reckon that works?
Here's what I know is on the calendar.

Saturday, February 7, 3 - 5 pm
Exhibition and Reception
at Pyramid Atlantic, Silver Spring, MD
I have mentioned before that artist-author Adjoa Burrowes and I led an after-school program for Pyramid Atlantic with students at the Silver Spring International Middle School. This exhibition is an exciting opportunity for the students to show their works to the community in a professional art gallery.

Adjoa and I are proud of this program. We focused on using storytelling and bookmaking techniques to promote creativity and build youth literacy. Works in the exhibit will include the artist books, prints and collages created by the youth in the program's winter session. During that session we focused on the presidential election and all the differences between people and ideas that surfaced during the campaign.
We are calling the next version of the Pyramid After School Program, SCRAPPING IT: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and will focus on recycling and its importance to the environment. There are eighteen students in this new group.

Storyteller Bill Mayhew is the featured teller Wednesday February 4 .
It should be a fun, warm-hearted and spirit evening of stories with Bill at the helm.
Kensington Row Storytelling Series
7:30 pm Kensington Row Book Shop
If you are in the area I hope you will stop by.
First telling of my new story for a women's studies class of about 40 students. AU will be my off-off broadway run through for the story before the public performance February 15. . I am excited - looking forward to seeing their reactions to my story and hearing their feed-back.
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