
Memories smell good.

In her book "The Total Memory Make-over" Marilu Henner talks about using your five senses to bring back bits of your past. 

Thinking of that I remembered this blog post from 2007.

October 2007:  North Carolina candy apples photographed one October in Mount Airy, NC. Karen and I were on our way to Charlotte. When we saw the highway sign for the turn to Mt. Airy we decided to take the detour and visit this town which was used as Mayberry in the Andy Griffith Show.

We rode into town on a beautiful October day and found a Fall Fair filling the main street. There were stalls selling crafts, food stuffs, and Christmas gifts. We stopped to listen to an old-timer playing a rousing fiddle tune. At one stall a couple was dipping apples in hot candy syrup and dropping them onto metal trays to "set". It smelled spicy and sweet and filled my head with memories of being "home". 

July 2012:
Something that happened this week that I am sure I will not forget.

  A friend gave me this gardenia plant when Jim died in March. This week it finally opened a gorgeous velvety white blossom and filled the living room with a heady perfume. 

The intoxicating fragrance reminds me of 
high school prom wrist corsages
and warm summer evenings in North Carolina
sitting on the front porch drinking iced tea near blooming gardenia bushes.

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