
Roll Call

Pondering - 

A young soldier I know has been writing a blog about her training before being posted
to Afghanistan. In a recent post - as she prepares to leave the US for her tour of duty in a war zone she wrote:

So the epic journey starts in a little less than 2 hours, and I am pumped! I've spent a huge majority of today on the phone talking to the people who matter the most in my life

It started me thinking. Her journey is dramatically immediate into such a dangerous far-off land where she will be under real and constant threat. The unknown prospects jolted her into taking the time to value those she loves. To call them. Tell them. Spend time with them.

I could not help but think about how I often take those in my life for granted. Am I showing them I care and telling them I love them - often enough.

Because, the truth of life is that every day is an epic journey.

What is really important?

We each have to answer that for ourselves - everyday.

The list of people I would call changes -
because many have slipped away.
When I flipped through the contacts on my cell phone the other day -
I was startled to see how many are gone -
lingering on my phone
because I cannot bear to erase them
even though I cannot call them.

A wake-up call - to call - those who matter.

Thanks to the traveling soldier - for shaking me out of my fog.

Sending my prayers for her safe return.

1 comment:

Granny Sue said...

Well said, Ellouise. I can not understand those who fight with their family members to the point of not speaking for days or years. Life is too short and too precious for that.