The tellers gathered for lunch before our storytelling gig. Old and new friends, laughing, getting comfortable.
(left to right: Otto Ross, Katie Ross, Joanne Dadisman, Suzi Whaples, Ellouise and Jim Schoettler).
And then on to the fun of the"telling". That's what it really is all about for the tellers.
There were craft tents and music tents set up on the campus quad. Lots of sunshine - always a plus! We did not stay for the evening concert with David Holt. We love his work and have seen him a number of times. It was tempting - but we were ready to come home.
After our Fine Day on Friday Jim and I were relaxed and enjoyed the whole thing. Not at all like a woman I met at breakfast at the motel. She and her husband were on their final leg of a three day road trip from New Mexico to Virginia. "We are moving. Bringing some household stuff in a rental truck. Have you ever driven for three days in one of those things. Its shake, rattle and roll all the way. Last night when we got here my eyes would not stop shaking. I can't wait to get this done."
Oh, lordy, I do remember trips like that - one comes to mind immediately. We were moving from San Antonio to North Carolina. Jim was in the Air Force and we mapped out our trip so that we could stop where there were AF Bases, leave the kids for the day in the nursery while we slept and then drive on during the night with the three of them sleeping in the car. Nothing about that plan worked like we thought it would. In Shreveport, LA the base nursery had burned down and I kept the kids in the car playing games and spreading crumbs through-out the car during a deluge rain storm while Jim slept. We did manage to get a "days sleep" in Montgomery, Ala and next day - just by-passed Greenville, SC and rode on in to Charlotte. The whole thing was a foolish nightmare. Did I mention I was pregnant. The only thing that saves you when you do stupid things like that is that you are young and can bounce back fairly quickly!
That's what the woman at the motel told me. " Would you believe he wanted to drive that truck straight through? I said, NO. We have to stop." Smart lady.
I love the conversations on the road. Insights into other worlds. Stories to tell.
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