90 minutes from home - gives us a break from city noise - we don't have tv hooked up in the house - the result is that you can think without commercial interruptions.
and such a comfortable bed to snuggle into
on the way here
two hawks gliding toward earth - almost colliding - saved themselves with a quick swerve upward
just outside Gettysburg - on Boyd's Rd -a masked raccoon -stilled - slain no doubt by a bigger beast on four wheels - lay pitifully by the side of the road -
well, that explains the hawks - - nature's opportunists.
(thought of the British tv series Doc Martin and the episode where a woman is gathering road-kill every day because her husband likes the "stronger taste.")
I slowed - but - no - - thought of those big salivating hawks - circling overhead -
I sped on to Jane's, the local grocery store - where they cook delicious ready-to-eat fried chicken -

How about these crazy green shoes.
They look more for fashion than basketball - don't they?
One look at these shoes and I forgot all about the poor raccoon by the side of the road.
Thinking about stories - but then I always am thinking about stories - practicing those I know and trolling my brain and the world around me for new material. Its what storytellers DO.
three friends:
Slash Coleman, Diane Macklin, and Adam Booth
September 25
7:30 PM Seekers Church
Takoma Park MD
Check: Facebook: Illumination: Four Tellers for info.
We were telling together in Hagerstown when we took this picture.
- having such a good time we decided to do it again.
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