
Stop By For A Story

My deck is still covered with snow although the sun is shining and that promises --- melting.

But I don't really mind being "house bound" as long as the lights and heat are working. Then it feels more like a good reason to "retreat" , collect my thoughts, prune my lists and finally get something done.

Mostly I think I am going to do all of the above - but get diverted instead and end up doing something completely "other."

That's what happened yesterday.

I diverted to working on my YOU TUBE site. Because of the my television shows I am fortunate to have a stash of videos under my name - either me telling a short story or interviews with others who work with storytelling in some way. Finally it dawned on me that organizing those videos into "playlists" would make access much easier -- - in addition, if I realized I could produce small themed "olios" of my own stories.

If you are in the mood to listen to stories I invite you to stop by - YOUTUBE.com/user/ellouisestory

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