
Thursday - Flesh on Old Bones, More SLD Golf.

Flesh on Old Bones - calling on Samuel Lewis Diggle, Sr.

My brother Robert, being the only son, inherited the three trophies that Daddy had. Yes, he has them - but he is wonderfully generous about sharing. Sometimes folks aren't but that's another story - and not this family.

I wrote last night and this morning he sent me pictures.

Gathering the trophies.
This is one of the pictures from Robert B. Diggle, Jr., Lawrenceville, GA.

1926 Low Scorer - awarded at the Charlotte County Club.
as you can see the prize is functional - a beautifully decorated cocktail shaker - certainly a social statement on the times -

I have written to a high school classmate, a today member of the Charlotte County Club with questions about the history of these events - and a lead to the club's archivist.

The search for the story is on and picking up steam.

This story-quest could not come at a better time. I am presenting my FLESH ON OLD BONES workshop at the WVA Mountainstate Storytelling Festival at Fairmont State University in late March. I am using this quest to demonstrate how I gather and enlarge family stories. Even if you are not members of our family - you may be interested to watch the process so you can use these methods for re-claiming your stories.

Or should I be so bold - better yet - I am open to bookings to present the workshop.

Have I ever mentioned that my passion for Genealogy forced me to become a storyteller. But that is another story.

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