- Storm's over, they say. It came and went, leaving a heck of a mess for tomorrow.
- Decided to sew on my quilt this evening - like the women of the prairie. Sewing is good. Meditative.
- Our dog is confused by having to change her routine and go out the back door for her "business".
- They have plowed the street in front of our house. Unfortunately our cars are in the drive way on the side of the house - facing a street that is untouched. Drat. Our next car has to be a 4 wheel drive.
- Weather reporters are loving talking about this as a 'historic" storm for the Washington area. The worst since the 18th century Jefferson storm.
- A Bit of Weather History Trivia:
January 1772
"The Washington and Jefferson Snowstorm" is so named because it trapped both men at their homes with snow up to three feet deep throughout Maryland and Virginia.
Something for your memoir.
The Mac and Cheese was delicious. Yummmmm. With fresh lima beans. Now I ask you - how good is that!!
5:55 PM
Not snowing now but strong winds are whipping the trees and scattering the snow that was held on the branches.
TV reports we have had an additional 10 inches so far and they say, "its not over."
Still no snow plows.
Comfort food.
Karen asked for Mac and Cheese for supper.
Since she has been out shoveling out the driveway - I made it.
Easier than shoveling.
And, it smells so gooood.
Karen asked for Mac and Cheese for supper.
Since she has been out shoveling out the driveway - I made it.
Easier than shoveling.
And, it smells so gooood.
3:20 PM
Still snowing and blowing.
When they talk about roofs I think of the snow on the roof of our den. (picture taken from second floor to show the two-storm build-up.)
Still snowing.
Wind is blowing the light snow into drifts.
Air is white.
Little visibility.
TV reporters catching people walking in the snow trying to
get to work, buy groceries, or just checking things out. Snow plows still stopped because of the white-out conditions and Pepco workers on stand-by.
Karen is watching a History Channel documentary about the existence of the Yeti - the Abominal Snow Man. Ironic scheduling.
8:30 am
Reluctantly I pushed back the covers and left my warm snug bed. First stop: the window. What happened while we slept?
This is the first email I read this morning:
Blizzard Warning
The National Weather Service has issued a BLIZZARD WARNING for Montgomery County until 7PM this Evening. Residents should prepare for very heavy snow and high winds during the next 12-18 hours. 12" of snowfall possible with this storm.
This is a dangerous and potentially life threatening situation. Whiteout
conditions are possible as visibility may be reduced to 1/4 mile or less for 3
or more hours. Blowing snow, and wind speeds over 35 miles per hour are expected
which may cause snow drifts. If traveling outdoors, hypothermia and frostbite
may occur within 30 minutes on any exposed skin
Travel may become extremely hazardous if not impossible. Residents should remain
off the roads or use extreme caution during any travel.
Well this is going to be an interesting day. These conditions are most likely to take out the power so we will start the day planning for that, heating water, warming food for later etc. etc.
1 comment:
As a snowed-in colleague--BLEAH! Tired of snow.--Jane
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