I missed my opening Friday night.
My son, Jim, his wife, Monica and Juliana, tech wizard, covered for me at Gallery 10 and brought reports that the digital frames were well received.
And more - the whole show looks great and people were very positive on all the work. Lucy and I feel very good about the effort.
Why did I miss the opening - because I was languishing in a bed at Suburban Hospital. This time I was the one wired up and being observed - with Jim sleeping in a straight chair next to my bed. Oops, a role reversal.
Started with a pain in my jaw and left arm. Jim checked me out as far as he could at home but without an EKG there were still questions - so he took me to the emergency room.
Those symptoms mean a cardiac work-up and if there are no definitive answers you have bought yourself a night in the hospital, in my case two nights. The cardiologists assured me they are being much more aggressive about women and possible cardiac problems these days - that is good news.
So far, mine is good news. I have a nuclear stress test on Monday to complete the work-up but so far so good. Oh, I know there are some real challenges ahead - a diet and a real exercise program ahead of me! I know I should has turned into you will do it.
Since I showed up in the emergency room I have been x-rayed, ekg-ed, sonogramed (that's an echocardiogram), and wired for sight and sound 24 hours a day. My blood is so thin that it gushes if I prick my finger. All for the good end of preventing an incident. Hey, that is fine by me.
Being on the other side of the hospital experience has taught me quite a lot. Most of all - it is scary to think that something you can't see could kill you. Brings new perspective to the bucket list and the things that are really important. And renews my gratitude for the blessings in my life - my family and friends.
The rest, that I often give so much importance to, is really "trappings". Valuable, yes, but clearly second.
It is time to review my New Year's intentions and figure out which have to be resolutions.
Oh, my. Ellouise, I'm happy to hear that the observation and checking hasn't uncovered something serious - you are so right to get this checked out in such a thorough way - I did the same thing last fall and was impressed with how seriously they take women's heart health these days... I will be keeping you in my thoughts....
Goodness, Ellouise! I am sure all will be well, and this is just a heads-up to pay more attention to yourself. Please keep us all posted. I'ms orry you missed the opening of your show after all your hard work, but I'm very glad you're taking this seriously--and I'm glad your Jim was there to help you.
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