Finished the last of my tests today and the doctor has given me an "all clear".
So I can get back to work - - using more good sense in how fully I schedule myself.
Hmm. That will be interesting. I have never been noted for my "good sense" in that area before - but - I can tell you I am not eager for another go around with hospitals, tests etc.
Except to say - how grateful I am for the good medical care. And the warm friendly people who administer it.
Accumulated bits:
** In a post to Storytell today Irish storyteller, Richard Marsh, quoted this old Irish proverb: An áit a bhuil do chroí, is ann a thabhartas do chosa thú - your feet will take you to the place your heart is. -- I do believe in my case that is anywhere close to Jim.
** Last night during the Super Bowl I escaped to our bedroom so that I could watch Miss Austen Regrets - the latest presentation of the Jane Austen Celebration on PBS. In one scene Jane Austen is seated at a desk writing a letter to her sister. She quotes as she writes - "which of my important nothings shall I tell you first." Ah, I relate to that - every time I sit at the computer..
** My sister Kathy recommended Water for Elephantsby Sara Gruen. "It really helped me understand Mama." When she said that I assumed she meant Mama's living through the Depression and I thought that sounded interesting. 
Kathy is an inveterate reader and her book suggestions never fail so I dutifully reserved Water For Elephants at the local library. I picked it up last week. I understand now what Kathy meant. The first chapter with its vivid descriptions of life in a 92 year old body should be required reading for anyone who has an elderly parent living in an assisted living facility. One phrase particularly touched my heart, "women who ache and yearn for their lost men." Sara Gruen must know Mama - - who says, "I think of him every day. He is never out of my thoughts."

Kathy is an inveterate reader and her book suggestions never fail so I dutifully reserved Water For Elephants at the local library. I picked it up last week. I understand now what Kathy meant. The first chapter with its vivid descriptions of life in a 92 year old body should be required reading for anyone who has an elderly parent living in an assisted living facility. One phrase particularly touched my heart, "women who ache and yearn for their lost men." Sara Gruen must know Mama - - who says, "I think of him every day. He is never out of my thoughts."
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