

The close of the Christmas Season - for another year.

Epiphany when the Wise Men followed a star to find the new born babe. Epiphany - a chance to see a great light.

This morning the priest preached on this topic. He said, "God gives us a star to follow - if we see it. A star to follow to find God."

I found myself writing notes in Mass, taking down tidbits from his sermon because I want to remember it. He went on, "technology gets in the way of our seeing our star or hearing our call".

Technology has us running so fast, becoming so impatient we cannot hear our call or see our star. I know that is true for me. I love technology. It diverts me. It can sometimes own me.

In this time for intentions:

I intend to slow down
to unplug,
to listen
to watch for a sign
to scan the heavens for my star
so that I have more of a chance to find where I am intended to be,
that I have a chance to fnd God.

1 comment:

About Sean Buvala said...

I wish, tho', that more preachers would get the deepest message of the Epiphany accounts. The story is about "everybody belongs" and that the ruling class does not get to control it all and our own xenophobias about who is saved and not saved are moot. It's not "my star" but "our star."

Peace. Happy New Year. Keep writing.