On the first day of Christmas
An airplane sailing in the wild blue yonder
Brought us 3000 miles, from pine trees to palm trees for a second Christmas
We were flying on Christmas Day. Jet Blue carried us safely from Dulles to Oakland. When we flew over Indiana it was about the same time that they were opening gifts at my nephew Patrick's down below. With two young children in their house they must have been having a really wonderul time.
We were having a pretty nice time 30,000 feet up until Utah and then things started to rock and roll. Twenty minutes of that action is much. I prefer my rocking and rolling on a dance floor.
Once on the ground in Oakland we found sunny skies. Christmas had moved from pine trees to palm trees.
So good to see the famiily here. Jamie, surely he had ground another three inches since July, was only here until 5 pm, just time for dinner together, because he was going to San Diego with his varsity basketball team for a tournament.
So good to be with them. As I expected - we are very much at home!
On the second day of Christmas:
Two teen-age boys in a mini-van
Holding two broken racing cars - special Christmas joys
On an unexpected odyssey to the hobby store
To get their wheels back on the track.
Something universal about this isn't there. Always the broken toy before the wrapping paper even hits the trash. Te stories of these heartbreaking mis-haps tie the generations together, Fortunately today the damage was fixed and the cars back in the race without too much trouble, All is well.
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