My sister Kathy called. "You haven't written on your blog. Have you gotten trapped in the basement. Fallen under a load of junk?"
No, I am not lost in the basement. I am battling a deadline. Grappling with Photoshop. Flipping through files of photos. And there are so many. Once I started using a digital camera I just snap, snap, snap. And then, never, never, ever delete.
Its sort of like the basement.
In February I am one part of a two person show at Gallery 10 - and do I have art work ready. Well, NO.
And as the deadline presses against my neck like a sharp blade I am scrambling.
So, I have not forgotten about Grand Dad Gus - and I will be back on that -
dare I say it,
going through the pictures on the computer and the boxes of disks I have stumbled across a few surprises for you.
So stay tuned.
In the meantime - if you want a really warm and wonderful read about family, holidays and story stop by and visit Granny Sue. You will be glad you did.
or hear and see me tell a story.
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