Today the weather has given us a jolt.

This morning I am thinking about PA - specifically about our little house an hour and a half away. A $64,000 dollar question. Why, oh why, did we think it was a good idea to get involved with another house?
The last time we went to Pa I took some pictures of skies and barns. Loved this old red barn near our place for it's blue roof. And I fear everything near it is blue - with the cold this morning.
The weather turned cold last night. Frost on the ground and dusting the cars this morning. Makes Jim frown - worrying about the pipes in our house in PA. Oh, no, today is not a good day for that drive to check things out.
Have I mentioned that we are now a one-car family. Our 1986 Honda died last month. Just cough, cough and kaput.
Which brings us back to the weather and the pipes in PA. We cannot dash up there today and check things out - there is a committment here. Hmmm.
We are crossing our fingers - and will go tomorrow. And hope for the sun has been bright and warm over the "Apple house".
So today the weather is pulling our choke chain. Yesterday I had a bigger reminder.
Driving home from Adventure Theater I turned into Jones Bridge Road, just two blocks from the turn for my street. Last year the traffic folks decided to add a third passing lane - all marked off with yellow lines - so that the turning car could move over for a left hand turn - you know, not block the cars behind. I did that, carefully, just as a speeding car crested the hill - coming my way. He must have entered that turn lane four blcks away at the signal and was using it like a personal speedway. I swerved and fortunately there was room so that the car behind me did not rear end my car. The intruder never wavered. He sped on - I wondered if he was concerned that he had almost killed us both.
I turned into my street seconds later - shaking. Thank you, Lord. Thank you.
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