On 37 Days Patti Digh put out a challenge to watch yourself and your whining, complaing and gossiping. Don't pick up a challenge like that thinking that its easy or comfortable. Its harder than you think to really listen to what goes on in your head.
Many people have picked up her glove. Artist Donna B. Miller designed this charming art card "talisman" and gifted it to the readers, and to you.
Patti suggests, "Print it off, laminate it and carry it in your pocket as a reminder." Donna Miller's blog is a treat!
Blogger Rick Hamrick has taken on Patti's challenge to really look at the negative thinking we grapple with every day and how it gums up your life. He writes about the stuggle very candidly on his blog.
That's what I love about blogging. Patt's challlenge a couple of weeks has spiralled out into the universe and through it there are all these intriguing new people and ideas enter my life. I do have to be careful though - surfing to meet them takes time - - meaning I have to curb my appetite for the riches.
Curbing that appetite it HARD. I have joined the National Blogging Month Challenge - and so have MANY Others. Check out NABLMO for the list and surf away. (click on the Blogroll link at the TOP of the page.)
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