There was an old lady by the name of Miss Nancy, and she had an acre of pumpkins. And there was an old man by the name of Joe, and he loved pumpkin pie. So he said to her, “Miss Nancy, dear, if I go and spend a night in that old haunted house, will you give me a load of pumpkins.”
“Oh, with all my heart". Replied Miss Nancy.
“Well you just lost those pumpkins” said Joe.
That night Joe went to the haunted house. Now, he was a man who did not believe in ghosts so he was not one bit bothered about staying in that house all night. Midnight came and he was sitting by the fire, thinking about pumpkin pie – he was smelling pumpkin pie – he was tasting pumpkin pie. – UMMMMMMMM.”
About half past twelve up jumped a ghost and sat down right beside him, and said, “Oh, just we two.:
Joe’s eyes grew big - why, the hair on his head stood straight up.
“Won’t be but ONE in a minute.”
Joe jumped right through the window and hit the ground running. He ran and ran. And he kept running until he ran right into a willow tree and knocked himself out. When he came to the first thing he said was,
“Tell Miss Nancy she can keep her pumpkins.”
After that Joe ate apple pie, pecan pie, rhubarb pie, peach pie - - but no one ever saw him eat any pumpkin pie again.
Adapted from A Load of Watermelons - found in the Whang Doodle
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