It took two circles around three blocks before I found a two hour parking place two blocks from the gallery. I would be here six hours and have to feed the meter three times.
This would be an exercise day.
Not just walking to and from the car.
There are people who climb to the top of this flight of steps and have to stop at the top, hang on to the wall, and huffing and puffing bend over to catch their breath. I am one of those.
Every time I stand at the bottom of this 25 step flight up to the gallery I wonder why I am doing this. But I am - so I take a deep breath, lift my computer bag and the blue canvas Dementia Conference briefcase Jim picked up at a CME meeting - and I start my first cllimb of the day. More exercise. Now you can see why it is so important to me to find a two hour meter. On the days when a one hour meter is my only option I face these steps six times. Its too much.
I know. I know. The subway is the best option - but that just does not always work out.
Today the weather was hot and muggy. The air felt heavy to breathe. On my trips to and fro I dawdled to take pictures.
Isn't she a picture?
I am grateful the gallery is air conditioned.
I was not grateful when I returned to my car at five o'clock - three minutes after the meter time expired - and found a tiny pink parking ticket neatly tucked under one of the wiper blades.
300 steps and a $25 parking ticket. I have had better days at Dupont Circle.
I am wondering if I burned enough calories to even the balance?
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