
Pushing Boundaries - In New Jersey

Monday May 1 Ellouise Schoettler returns to Cape May, NJ to tell her one-woman personal story, Pushing Boundaries

Pushing Boundaries
Story and Afternoon Tea
Wednesday, May 1, 2019: 2:30pm
Carriage House Cafe & Tearoom
1048 Washington St.
Pushing Boundaries is a story of Schoettler's coming of age in the '50s. By 1970 she, like hundreds of other women, joined the fight to pass for the Equal Rights Amendment to secure equal rights for women. It was heartbreaking when it was lost June 30, 1982.
Ellouise is a nationally known storyteller, Maryland local cable show host and producer of a storytelling series. Her "Flesh on Old Bones" workshop helps participants turn personal history into compelling stories others want to hear. www.ellouiseschoettler.com

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