
Technology Gets Me Through!

Monday night I was driving home from the Writer's Center where I am enjoying the Veterans Writing Project class on writing memoir and non fiction when - - my radio went silent and unreponsive. OMG!!!

I ride through life listening to SiriusXM Radio Fifities on 5 -  sailing on memories of those lovely days when Jim and I were young and in love and starting our life together.

When I am wrapped in that warmth I don't even notice my white hair and Jim is always beside me.

What's this????

Within twelve hours I was sitting in the Toyota Dealer Service Department waiting room - trying not to think the "awfuls" that it might cost many bucks to replace the radio.

Well it was a good day - they diagnosed that the radio amplifiers were done - and covered under the warranty. As I breathed a deep sigh of relief and remembered the day I bought the extended warranty even though I hated to spend the money - okay I paidfor the amplifier - just not today.

Then the technician added: "it will take 7 to 10 days for the part to come from Toyota."

Yikes! Here was the bad news - for me.

Monday I am on the road with The Hello Girls and, to tell you the truth, I cannot see myself making that trip without Buddy Holly and all the other great guys of the "days" and their music.

First I thought - rent a car. It won't take that much of a bite out of the gig money - ---
then - - -  I figured it out - - -

Last year I added the computer to my Sirius Radio account - - for NOW... 
I think this will work out because I have a personal Hot Spot on my phone

Monday I will be happily roaring up the highway toward Hagerstown, Maryland with my computer strapped safely into the seat next to me -

This is the plan. Some of the trip I listen to the Hello Girls tape on iTunes
but most important  - - the rest of the time - -

Fifties on 5 will be blaring those familiar tunes and keeping me company.

What this is really about - 
is learning to take care of yourself and 
going on about life 
the best way you can!

Its my new normal.

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