
A Tale of Sisterhood

This large beautiful Japanese wood-cut by Maryland artist Aline Feldman hangs in the lobby of 3000 Connecticut Ave. Seeing it a few weeks ago brought back a flood of memories of the 1970s womens artists movement.

Aline and I were in the same consciousness raising group of women artists who met weekly in the mid-1970s to talk about our hopes and dreams as artists and how we could make those dreams come true in a male-favoring art world. That was a time of Sisterhood. We gave each other suport and strength to move to achieve our goals.

My first consciousness raising (CR) group had nothing to do with being an artist. It was a group of women from many walks of life from homemakers to a well-placed government employee. We met weekly in each other’s homes in Montgomery County where we talked about  issues of fairness and women’s equality issues like equal pay, child care and discrimination as they effected out lives.

That was more than 30 years ago and regrettably the issues are very similar to the ones we discuss today – except that today they touch my grand-daughters as well as they do me.

Sisterhood was empowering.

Were you in a CR group?

If you are interested in the 1970s from the woman’s point of view
check out www.facebook.com/secondwavealbum.

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