This version was recorded at Speakeasydc last August.
Cousins - three Hall descendants at Philadelphia Presbyterian Church Graveyard - Mint Hill, NC ( Marilyn, Ellouise, Rosemary)
surrounded by generations of their ancestors.
I am thinking about genealogy these days - since meeting my Hall cousins I have my family stories on my mind. Genealogy - that's how I came to performing storytelling - as a subversive activity - to make re-create the dry facts into stories and tell if so that my children and grandchildren would listen.
Its worked - to this point - now even strangers listen - I hope to go off and find their own stories.
But talking about the history with my cousins - reminds me that the work on my stories is not done. Its time to get back to it!
Actually I have been headed back to this passion for a year. March 2010 I presented Flesh on Old Bones, my stories and geneaology workshop at the WVA Mountain State Storytelling Conference and now its been accepted for the March 2011 VASA Gathering in Virginia.
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