
Tuesday - From Spelman to Chaucer and more

Got a lot on my list these days.
  • Jon Spelman's concert - the opening of Telling Moments Storytelling Theater is Saturday night so: making the programs,
    gathering refreshments etc. You know - the behind-the-scenes business to shore things up - the glamorous work of the Board. Excellent news is - the house is almost sold out!!!!!
  • Preparing raw audio tape and graphics for a new CD, Pushing Boundaries. so the new cds will be ready for the Capital Fringe. Delighted I will be able to work with Randi - the same clever designer who did such a good job on the Air Vigilante graphics. Feeling very grateful that my friend, the talented Andrew Hiller, a genius sound guy, has time to work with me on the editing. I love working with Andrew - he is so gooood at what he does with the sound.
  • Working on stories for two programs this week. Now that's good - and my bread and butter.
  • Speaking of bread, I am casting bread on the storytelling waters and hoping cake comes back. Universe, are you listening?
Just letting you know that I am not curled up on the couch munching on bon-bons. Much as I might like to be. I have another Phillipa Gregory book on-hand, The Virgin's Lover - about Queen Elizabeth I, ofcourse.

I continue to travel with the pilgrims and stories of the Canterbury Tales. Reading the Bantam version in contemporary poetry and really like it. Letting the color of the characters sink in.
Chaucer, now there's a storyteller.

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