
Off to Williamsburg

Jim and I are driving to Williamsburg this morning for the Williamsburg Storytelling Festival.

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The stories will soon begin.

We are looking forward to family time.

And to seeing storyteller friends like
Diane Macklin who is also a regional teller this year.

I am really looking forward to telling with Diane in the "Famiily Stories" line up Saturday night.

Today my head is filled with my stories. Like always I am psyched. I am excited . I am nervous.

Jim says, "Relax. Have fun. Your storytelling is best - when you are loving the audience."


I have my camera in my pocket so I will be taking lots of pictures of the festival and no doubt of the town - where the images take you back in time.

History Note:

I was checking something out in Wm. S. Powell's NC history book -then just randomly flipping through. I stopped to read a few paragraphs about how women won the vote in NC.

The upshot of it is - they didn't. They piggy-backed on more enlightened states.

In 1920 when the struggle to ratify the 19th Amendment was going on - state after approved the amendment. The women in NC lobbied and probably begged for their State Legislature to ratify and give them the right to vote but those men refused and disappointed the women of NC. What did they expect - the first time the issue was presented in the NC Legislature it was referred to the Committee for the Insane.

Dispite a petition against it sent to them from NC - Tennessee ratified - giving the margin of states necessary to pass the amendment and change the Constitution. August 26, 1920 - women in the United States were granted the right to vote.

In 1971 North Carolina finally ratified the 19th Amendment.

Hmm. I love my home state but I am not proud of that bit of history.

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