

Before April 16 I would not have noticed this car in front of me at the stop light, much less have taken a picture of it. Now, there seem to be reminders everywhere.
Reminders that lives are changed.
An article in Inside Higher Education explores how works in creative writing classes can reveal possible psychological problems and the challenges teachers face when these signs occur.

The article begins:

Cho Seung-Hui, the senior Virginia Tech English major who apparently killed 32 people on campus Monday before turning the gun on himself , seems to have fancied himself a writer. Albeit one with grotesque tastes: AOL’s blog published two of his short plays Tuesday, one of which, “Mr. Brownstone,” features characters who fantasize about killing a teacher and “watch[ing] him bleed.” The second, “Richard McBeef” discusses pedophilia and concludes with a stepfather killing a 13-year-old boy soon after the boy’s attempt to forcibly stuff a banana cereal bar down the stepfather’s throat.
http://insidehighered.com/news/2007/04/18/writing for the full article.

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