
Monday -

Another Schoettler steps forward.
Last Wednesday night at the Kensington Story Salon Jim (r) joined Steve Morissey in a short funny piece to open the show.
Is there more to come?????

This was a day to "tape" the TV show, run errands, and meet with Cricket. Jim and I did work in a sandwich at Einstein's. The weather even allowed us to sit outside and that was a definite plus.

Talking with Robin and a really good telephone call with my sister Kathy in Georgia.
All good uses for technology. Talk about technology - Wednesday I am going to be interviewed by a class of Italian English conversation students in Brescia, Italy. Over Skype. Sounds like fun.
I hate to admit it - but I can't remember any of my Italian. Language slips away when it isn't used.

Of course there are the downers - learning more about the heart-breaking and frightening tragedy at Fort Hood -
and around here -
the bulletins about the scheduled execution of John Allen Muhammed. I have hard time wishing for a "stay" of execution for him. I vividly remember the terrify days of the Washington Sniper - one woman was shot at one of our local gas stations. Fear had everyone here by the throat. It was a reign of terror - across the entire Metro area. Just thinking about it I can feel it again. I cannot imagine the shock and pain and grief of the families. This calls for prayers for all, including John Allen Muhammed.

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