
Three Beautiful Things - Juliana, a talking chef, and storytelling

1. We celebrated Juliana's 22 birthday by taking her out for a nice dinner. She was a delightful dinner partner - even to being vry sweet-natured when there was a bug in her elegant organic salad. Oops.

2. A new food shop has opened in our near-by neighborhood. The owner is a chef and wants to be asked about the foods and veggies. "I like to talk about food and cooking." I was holding a piece of dry lemon grass so I asked, "well what can I dowith this"
He looked at it for a moment then hande me a small, bright red Fresno pepper and said, "chop the tend ends of the lemon grass into olive oil, add lemon zest, salt and pepper and some of this red pepper to make a marinade for, perhaps - shrimp."
I have some fraozen cooked shrimp - I will try it. For supper." I did - a chef's one minute tip that was a winner.

3. Booking storytelling work for the Fall.

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